Tagged by Yong Xiang
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Three names you go by :
1. HuiHuan
2. Huan Huan / HH
3. 慧环/换 instead of my name 慧欢 = = [People need to start to listen and pronounce properly]
Three screen names you have had :
1. Sagami Miharu/Chiharu or just Miharu/Chiharu
2. candysanta
3. SoMeOnEbLeH / someonebleh / bLeH
Three physical things you like about yourself :
1. Fingernails
2. Eyes
3. Lips
Three physical things you DONT like about yourself :
1. Legs
2. Cheek
3. Teeth
Three parts of your heritage :
1. Chinese
2. Hokkien
3. ~~~
Three things that scare you :
1. Sigh... Friend say byebye oh wait... Do I even have any?
2. ~_~
3. Being hurt.
Three of your everyday essentials :
1. Water
2. Computer actually... Internet
3. Food
Three things you are wearing now :
1. Shirt
2. Shorts
3. Specs
Three of your favorite bands or musical arts :
I don't really fancy them. But if its a good song from them I'll love it. ^^
1. ALI PROJECT (Japanese)
2. Avril Lavigne (English)
3. ~~~ Too many ~~~ cause I like their songs more than them.
Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeals to you:
1. Looks
2. Attitude
3. Interests
Three of your hobbies:
1. Watching Anime
2. Gaming - Wherever I can fit in for the meantime
3. Chatting
Three things you wanna do really badly right now :
1. Play the Violin
2. Reply Friendster comments = = But there ain't any to reply.
3. Sleep
Three careers you're considering / considered before :
1. Otaku!
2. Animal Day-care XD Only to play - - Not cleaning up.
3. Photographer
Three places you want to go on vacation :
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. London
Three things you want to do before you die :
1. Go to Japan~
2. Eat every delicious food in the world
3. Watch every anime <3
Five people that you would like to see take this quiz now :
α Tagged ones → Nixon, Joanna, Eng Yew, Sweet Yee, Sherina ←
†The Anime Addicted One†
Sagami Miharu/Chiharu
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9/30/2008 11:24:00 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Drew this on Saturday (20/9/2008) midnight?
What a boring weekend. /sigh
Aren't weekends suppose to be enjoyable? I know I ain't enjoying it.
I've been sitting in front of the computer for hours doing nothing. @ @
It's not like I don't wanna get out of this darn house to take a walk or something, it's just that I ain't allowed to. Shopping Mall walks bores me too. No outings too since Form3's are still in the middle of exams. Studying is not what I do in the afternoon - evening. Sigh...
What I Did Throughout Today (Sunday)Woke up early at 7am.
Reason: My alarm rang.
Action taken: Off-ed alarm then continue to sleep till next alarm rang.
Next alarm rang time: 7.30am
Action taken: Same
Next alarm rang time: 7.40am
Action taken: Off it then jumped out of bed. (finally) Did what needs to be done every morning and then rushed downstairs to get ready to watch anime on Animax (ASTRO Channel 715) at 8am
Animes watched: 8am - 10.30am → Kyou Kara Maoh / God(?) Save Our King! (Episode 4-8)
10.30am - 11am → Zettai Shonen (Episode 12)
11am - 12pm → Solty Rei (Special Episode or counted as Episode 25 & 26)
Finish watching anime, I ate cup noodles. (Again) Then watched TV for a while on 欢喜台 (ASTRO Channel 333 -
济公) It's in Hokkien language.
Then.. Went upstairs. Did something before the time reaches 1pm.
1pm : Start using the computer. Replied 5 comments on
Frienster. Then on to
My boredom starts here. I have nothing to do already apparently. I just sat here right in front of the computer. Pratically doing nothing. Was gonna go sleep again but was afraid
my usual Friendster comment chatter would be online but in the end I wasted my time. @ @
Tons were on MSN but they aren't those I have topic(s) to chat with and so I just left mine appearing offline. I wonder who else is appearing offline.
I took out a book. Not some fancy story books or text books. Not even comic book or Sudoku book. But instead a Word Game book I bought maybe years ago? Well, it did a good job accompanying me throughout the day. But of course I got bored of it after some time.
Finally at 6.51pm, one of
my friend that once played an online game with me replied my comment on Friendster. :D Finally.. After that many hours. = = He replied quite fast on later comments but only for a short while of 7 minutes = = But still new world record for me on this guy. He usually replies like 1 comment few hours later or even a day later. 4 comments in 7 minutes is world record to me for him. Hahax~ 6.58pm was the last comment he sent me.
Now, I'm gonna get ready for my next Anime watching time slot.
Time slots: 8.00pm - 9.00pm → Magikano (Episode 11 & 12)
10.00pm - 11.00pm → Hachimitsu to Kuroba / Honey and Clover (Episode 5 & 6)
11.00pm - 12.00am → Jyu Oh Sei (Episode 7 & 8)
Won't be online after that I guess.
Will be taking a shower in between 9.00pm to 10.00pm.
I know it's later but who cares. - -
Just wanna add some additional info about my weekends:
Saturday night:
Anime watched: 10.00pm - 11.00pm → Ookiku Furikabutte / Big Windup (Episode: 9 & 10)
It's funny.
So is Hachimitsu to Kuroba / Honey and Clover. I laughed on every episode.
That's all for now. Babai~
‡The Anime Addicted One‡
†Sagami Miharu / Chiharu†
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9/21/2008 07:08:00 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
1.What is your favourite chocolate?
→ Dark and plain chocolate [Meaning no nuts no raisins no nothing in them]
2.What are your 3 favourite colours?
Turquoise3.Who is the last person you talked to?
→ Haiz... No one... I talk myself counted?
4.Who is the last person you texted?
→ Shane - - (10.45pm ask me "Tomorrow what exam?")
5.Who was the first person u talked to when u woke up today?
→ Hohoho.. No one XD On Friendster then got.. Was it Wei Jinn or WilSon a.. @ @
6.Who is the first person you texted when you woke up today?
→ I don't text people?
7.How many messages did you receive when you woke up today?
→ Miraculously, I received 1... But from DiGi
8.Who messaged you when you woke up today?
→ See question 7
9.Who do you wanna talk to now?
→ Bamboo a.. Dumbo a.. Er.. Joanna and her Goat
gua10.Who do you wanna see right now?
→ Hohoho.. No one - -
11.Why do you wanna see that person now?
→ See question 10
12.What is your relationship with that person you wanna see now?
→ See question 10
13.If you could hug someone now, who would it be?
→ Don't hug can?
14.What are you doing now?
→ Friendstering, Blogging, Dreaming
15.What colour is the shirt you're wearing now?
→ White
16.Are you attached?
→ To?
17.Anyone you like?
→ Like, yea...
18.Who do you like?
→ Him? Her? Him? Him?
19.What phone are you using?
→ Motorola E398 = =
20.How much money do you have in your wallet now?
→ I don't even have a wallet - - Spare me one! I'm poor..
21.What do you love looking at?
→ Anime & Comic
22.Who is the last guy you hugged?
→ I don't hug guys O.o
23.If you can choose to do something now, what would you do?
→ Haiz.. Fast fast go Genting lo~ Or any outing with peoples I don't dislike/hate. Or even better, chat with Bamboo - -
24.How are you feeling now?
→ Bored.
25.If you could turn back time 3 times, when will it be?
→ 1st. last year? 2nd. few months ago? 3rd. Don't know..?
26.Who/what are you thinking of?
→ When is Bamboo gonna get online and reply my comment = =
27.What are the 3 things you want to forget?
→ Lets see...
1st. Horror movies I've seen.
2nd. Ghost stories I've heard.
3rd. Stupid memories I have?
28.Who makes you happy?
→ Now only 2 of them that replies my comments makes me happy. [Bamboo & Dumbo]
29.What is next to you?
→ Water bottle?
30.Last show you watched?
→ 刘伯温 Hokkien show/movie on ASTRO channel 333
31.How many people are you talking to now?
→ 0
32.If you can change something in your life, what would it be?
→ Hmm.. Never really think deep about these things before..
33.Do you have pets?
→ No. But I want a kitteh :3
34.What do you feel like eating now?
Chocolate~ Chocolate~ And more
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9/20/2008 05:17:00 PM
Part 2 ^^
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Woo~~ Part 2 now~~ This time be smarter~~ Put pictures 1st :3 Then type below them and also above them if needed XD But hor.. Alot of pictures lo...
Nvm.. I'll try to continue .__.
[Last night wait till 2am for anime but in the end... When I change to that channel.. It gives me another show = = Damn... Wasted my time waiting...]
Part 2"And again we sat and chat XD After that the others came back as well.. "
Hooi Zhi was doing something with her phone saying there's an error while she was trying to reload her phone. When she saw Wai Loon then she asked him for help. XD
Then I don't know what this two was talking about. Just taking pictures. :3
◄◄ Then he started doing something with Hooi Zhi's cell phone. *type type type type type*
Then May Li with Allen came by :p
Aiya.. No need cover face la :p
Allen's hair got spray little red :o
He looks weird :p
They left real soon..... Swt dao = =
He called the service centre. I think he said that no one answered. XD
Took her picture while waiting for what to do next. :p
My ex-副班长~
The 4 of them just stand there so I just
take their picture lo~
Back to this guy.. He say no one answered then he gave it to Khai Yong then Khai Yong scolded the voice in the phone. XD Hooi Zhi thought got people de then she became so cemas. Ahahaha~
After dunno how long then they started watching videos in each other's cellphone.. I watch one nia then lazy want watch XD Disgusting. :x
They following pictures were all taken when they were watching videos on cellphones.. So just showing their expression....
Left - Wai Loon dunno doing what with the phone.
Right - Yee How looks like he's dreaming~
Left to Right :
Hon Yao, Wai Loon, Yee How
They start to watch videos
Look Look! It's Jean Mun XD
Khai Yong got show her some of the videos they were watching. So bad. = =
Poser? XD Nah.. I just take nia. :p Not sure he know or not.
(both pictures) Left to Right :
Hon Yao ►Wai Loon ►Wei Xin ►Ye Shan ►Yee How ►Lik Hau ►Zi Yang ►Kang Ning (Not from Han Ming)
These two pictures a... Got little swt lo XD
Left to Right :
Jia Yee , Ye Shan , Hooi Zhi
Earlier before these pictures were taken.. Yee How came then Hooi Zhi go stand next to him. We all were like .___. Wow.. Look at the difference! But didn't take picture that time. XD
Then we requested for the boys to take a group photo~ And again Left to Right :
Upper Row : Hon Yao / Wai Loon / Ye Shan / Wei Xin / Yee How / Lik Hau
Lower Row : Khai Yong / Choon Ping
Khai Yong shortest. :p Ye Shan tallest I think.
After taking the picture above, we heard fireworks sound. So we ran to see the fireworks. ^^ This year's fireworks weren't that nice cause we didn't watch it in the fields.. We just ran to the inner basketball court to watch. We were at the canteen duh - . -
When we returned to the canteen when the fireworks ended, most of the boys were gone. Except Khai Yong, Choon Ping and Hon Yao. We did ask them where the others went and they just say they went to find Yee How's friends. Well.. Before the fireworks, Yee How was making noise trying to make Wai Loon teman him go find his friends. (It was a lie, he wasn't going to find his friends. They were up to something.)
Then don't care lo~ Jia Yee took this opportunity to take some pictures with Khai Yong and Hon Yao. I lazy to put those up la.
These two are Hooi Zhi and Joey ^^
Joey study in female school de o...
坤成/Kun Cheng or something XD
After that.. Khai Yong's girlfriend came :o They talk for a while then the girl don't know go where. Then Hon Yao bring us (4 girls) and Choon Ping go jalan-jalan. = = We noticed Khai Yong was gone of course. :) When were at the baskatball court (again), we saw Yee How and the others that disappeared then we turned around and saw Khai Yong and Melissa (his girlfriend wor..). Then Hon Yao keep saying : “我的朋友丢下我了!” He meant Khai Yong when he said that but he didn't said his name out even once. = = Then we brought us to the field.. We asked why he didn't follow the others then he just kept reapeating what he said before... Then say "Nevermind. Still got 4 girls teman me." =.=" He didn't count Choon Ping in. XD
Then we stopped someone near the football goal..
We squat down and asked Hon Yao to take pictures for us. xD
◄◄◄ This one~
We saw CheeYuen after taking pictures.
Then Wai Loong they all reappeared. o.o But... Talking secretly with Hon Yao = =
Then he followed Wai Loon, we followed too... They brought us to the newest class block and then don't know what they telling each other and then Hon Yao was told to bring us go jalan-jalan again. = = Hooi Zhi got angry and didn't want to follow. We were gonna follow Hooi Zhi go somewhere else de then Hon Yao say reallu don't know what the others doing. Then we all continue follow him around.. He became our tour guide. He brought us back to the canteen = = Then Jia Yee said she really gotta go soon. She got angry and looked like she was gonna hit Hon Yao. (She pulled her shirt collar leh~)
Then finally they gao dim... When the others reappeared.. Some of them were holding water balloons. Before they started war with Hooi Zhi, we scolded them cause they took that long but only reappeared with that little water balloons. = = Not even one each. Then Ye Shan threw one at Hooi Zhi. The funny part is it didn't burst! Ahahahaha! XD Then Hooi Zhi picked it up.. And burst it in Ye Shan's clothes. XD He wearing White shirt + pants today somemore. :x Then don't know who gave her another one then she started chasing them around~ Lik Hau was the next victim. Then don't know why Ye Shan gave Hooi Zhi another water balloon. Then Khai Yong kena. XD He was with Melissa but he was dry. :p Jia Yee left around that time. Hooi Zhi had another water balloon and so she aimed for Yee How. She chased him around until the newest block. She was standing there waiting for Yee How to throw the water balloon at her but instead.. Yee How fell XD Hooi Zhi just threw the water balloon at him. XD He threw his water balloon back at Hooi Zhi but missed. XD Then she just ran away. After that we entered the classroom next to our old classroom~
On flash take pictures not nice :x
Wai Loon walked around in the classroom and found something red and sticky. Was it soap? XD
It's in a soap bottle .__. There were two of it. We were sitting and chatting peacefully then suddenly I saw Hon Yao walking out. I looked at the door for a second then Lik Hau (holding a bottle filled with water) came in and started splashing around. - - Luckily I was sitting at the side and only a few drops touched me. :p Lucky my bag's outer cover water proof. - - If not they die jor. Khai Yong or was it Wai Loon and Zi Yang took the soap bottles wanting to do something with it but they ran off.. The bottle was sticky and icky XD Then everyone left the classroom angrily. .__. They say they'll get revenge. Then the boys go search around for them~
The 3 of us follow behind slowly... Then one of them called Hooi Zhi telling her they found Yee How and Lik Hau. Then we went and refill the empty bottles with water~ After refilling we went near the staircase. That's where the real fun starts :
Hooi Zhi (on fire) start pouring water~ The boys helped by holding Yee How while Hooi Zhi poured water on him. XD
Then Lik Hau's turn to receive his punishment. See the water flowing?
Look... Ye Shan pour water in Lik Hau's pants >.> Swt = =
All wet wet de. XD
There's still water in the bottle... So... Yee How on his own will.. Walked to the wall and made that pose (the 'I surrender' pose) Then Hooi Zhi continue poor water on him. XD
See the wall... Got water prints. XD He just stand there the whole time...
When he left the wall..
Then they start to use the bottle to play basketball? o.o Following pictures are all pictures of them playing.
Lazy want explain one by one. XD Hooi Zhi got play also. On her 1st try.. 5 of them help her and make sure the bottle went in the net. So good hor~ Then... They use the bottle as football = =
Oh my.. How nice of their imagination.. And of course Hooi Zhi joined them. :
Around here then want 散会 le.... T.T Time passed by too fast..
Before Hooi Zhi left.. I requested to take a photo of them. ^^
Tadaa~~ One of the boys said this picture looks like football team with Hooi Zhi as their coach. XD Ahaahaha~~ But this picture nice le~
After Hooi Zhi left then san hui lu~ So sad... That time want 11pm le.. So I also go back lo~
We made a small promise that we would go out together PMR. ^^ Hope they all remember lo~~
-End of Part 2-
Very lame right what I write? >.> Aiya.. Biasa d la.. I had tons of fun and hoped that they had fun as well ^^ Next remember must come back also o~~ Then we can play again /gg
And also.. Sorry this post messy @@ Lazy want go do corrections.. Sorry if your eyes hurt while trying to read it...
†sagami miharu†
--Mary HAD a little lamb--
9/14/2008 04:41:00 PM